Here are some cheat codes for The Sims 2. If you find one that doesn’t seem to work please tell me and I will look into it. Also try to explain what happens when you enter the cheat codes, which number it is on my list, and I will tell you if it is something that you are doing and how you can correct it. If you find out any more cheat codes please notify me of them by e-mailing me at if you wish for your name to be posted along with the cheat code(s) please tell me and I will be happy to do so. (Note: If you send me any cheat code, hack, etc. that is considered to be adult content [such as the censor grid removing cheat or hack] it will not be posted on this site.) Thanks and I appreciate your cooperation!
The boolProp cheats codes are some of the most famous cheat codes for The Sims 2 so I am going to start out with them. If you want to learn how to use the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled cheat code I have a tutorial on it. The page address for that is
1. boolProp testingCheatsEnabled (True/False)
When you hold down Shift and click on an object it allows you to do cool extra things. It you get an error while this cheat code is enabled always say RESET. Never say CANCEL or DELETE!
2. boolprop objectShadows (True/False)
Set to false to remove shadows on objects outside house
3. boolProp guob (True/False)
Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house
4. boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False)
Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim
5. boolProp displayPaths (True/False)
Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to
6. boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False)
Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at
7. boolProp simShadows (True/False)
Toggle shadows on/off for Sims
8. boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)
In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted
9. boolprop carsCompact (True/False)
Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood
10. boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)
Set to true to show lot information
11. boolprop locktiles (True/False)
Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot
12. boolprop lotWater (True/False)
Set to false to remove water (ponds) from lots
13. boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False)
Set to false to remove floor painting on lot
14. boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False)
Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood
15. boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False)
Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used
16. boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)
Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood
17. boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False)
Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood
18. boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False)
Set to false to remove water from neighborhood
19. boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)
Set to false to remove house graphics from neighborhood
20. boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False)
Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.
21. boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)
Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood
22. boolprop constrainFloorElevation true
Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles.
23. boolprop constrainFloorElevation false
Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles.
24. boolProp snapObjectsToGrid (True/False)
You can place objects outside the grid.
25. boolProp enablePostProcessing true
Turns Postprocessing on.
26. boolProp enablePostProcessing false
Turns Postprocessing off.
27. intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8
You can invite more people to your parties.